Sunday, August 28, 2011


I want really badly to make this a daily thing, but sometimes there just isn't time. Fortunately there are these little scraps of writing littering my hard drives. Some are trash, some need expanded on, and some, like the one I chose for today, I'm not really sure how I feel about. Hell, I barely remember writing it.


      I am a happy man. I am a dying man. People tend to think the two are mutually exclusive, and I guess that on average they would be right. There is a trick to it though; I am surprised more dying folk don't talk about it. As long as you're not spending your time thinking about the end of your time, you can spend your time enjoying the time you have left. That's all there is to it. It's a mental thing. Reign in your brain.


  1. I guess everything is a mental thing in that case. :P

  2. There is no time in this world :(

  3. I like this one, you seem like a very intelligent guy!

  4. Well, it really is hard to deliver a post per day.
    I try to do it for the sheer structure of my blog and the idea behind it. You know. Like a small diary.
    But it really isn't easy, lemme tell you.

    Anyhow, following and supporting, mate! :)

  5. I understand it! Where all dying, but that shouldn't stop us from enjoying life!

  6. i like how that sounds deep, but not too deep.

  7. I once asked a friend of mine who teaches creative writing at university what the most important thing to do to be a professional writer. His response was write everyday even if you don't feel like it.

  8. hm. i really like your writing style. and i like your philosophy. cool.

  9. We are all dying... sooner or later.
